What to Eat and Supplement While Marathon Training
Gearing up to run a marathon? If you’re wondering how to time your nutrition and optimize it for every stage of your training and on race day, you've come to the right place!

Performance Lab Mind Nootropic Independent Review
Performance Lab Mind supplement. Read our full review of the nootropic that claims to boost brain energy (cognizin), support focus, memory, speed, motivation and help recover from excessive cognitive exertion. Aka thinking too much!

Should Women Take a Protein Supplement?
Most women know that protein is a crucial part of a healthy diet and is essential for building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight. But when you hear the term "protein supplement," you may have a preconceived notion that supplements are only for bulky guys trying to build the biggest muscles possible.

Performance Lab Caffeine + Independant Review
I review Performance Lab Caffeine + (previously Stim), a low-dose caffeine supplement designed for optimal focus and all-around performance enhancements.

What are the Benefits of Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D is vital for a strong skeleton, but research suggests the benefits of this nutritional powerhouse may also extend to improving symptoms of depression and aiding weight loss. Adequate vitamin D intake can help you conquer your health and wellness goals.

Burn Lab Pro Review: The Best Fat Burner for Fasted Cardio
I review Burn Lab Pro, a potent stimulant-free fat-burner + Lean muscle support supplement by Opti-Nutra. Here’s everything you need to know about the best fat burner for fasted workouts.

Exercise Recovery: 10 Tips to help you recover faster between workouts
Feeling sore, tired and unenthused in-between workouts? If so, It’s possible that you’re under-prioritising recovery and it’s importance in fitness. Here’s 10 tips to help you recover faster!

Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multivitamin Review
Performance Lab NutriGenesis Multi for Men and Woman. We review the power-packing all-natural, vegan multivitamin supplement that everyone is talking about it.

Testo Lab Pro Independent Review
We review Testo Lab Pro, the potent all-natural Testosterone-boosting and performance-enhancing supplement by Opti-Nutra. Here's everything you need to know!

Pre Lab Pro V1.0 Review - The Best Pre-Workout Supplement for Fasted Training
We review Pre Lab Pro, the highly anticipated next generation of pre-workout supplements by Opti-Nutra. Here’s everything you need to know!

How to Combat the Nutritional Decline of Fruits and Vegetables
According to research published in the American Society of Horticultural Science, today’s fruits and vegetables are lacking in vitamins and minerals. It cites studies in the journal of the American College of Nutrition (ACN) and the American Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS) that have found an alarming decrease in the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables over the last seventy years.

Collagen 101: What Is It and What Is It Good For?
Who isn't taking some form of collagen supplements these days? It seems like everyone from bodybuilders looking to bulk up to new mothers looking to speed up postpartum hair growth are taking collagen supplements. So what is this stuff and what is it good for? And what factors make one collagen supplement better than the others?

Amandean Premium Marine Collagen Supplement Review
We review Amandean’s Premium Marine Collagen. A clean, versatile and eco-friendly protein supplement designed to support a variety of health and fitness goals.

Creatine: The Good, The Bad, and The Bulked-up
Creatine is an amino acid that is found mostly in your body's muscles as well as in your brain. Many know the role amino acids play in protein synthesis, but limitations in the ability to transport and/or store creatine can impair metabolism. Increasing the availability of creatine in tissue may enhance cellular metabolism and thereby lessen the severity of injury and/or disease conditions, particularly when oxygen availability is compromised, like during high-intensity exercise.

How much muscle can you gain in a month?
Whether returning to a training program or just beginning, the first month brings up the age-old question: Can I look like Daniel Craig as James Bond or Alicia Vikander as Tomb Raider in 4 weeks or less? The answer is no, you probably can’t! However, you can add muscle mass and start your journey to the body composition you desire.

The Perfect Post-Workout Nutrition for Recovery
Your post-workout meal is one of the most important factors of muscle growth and recovery, but it's easy to get it wrong. So what (and when) should you eat following a workout? Let's dig in!

Why You Need to Combine Vitamin D3 and K2
Did you know that vitamin D and vitamin K work better together? These fat-soluble vitamins are crucial for bone and cardiovascular health.

Save Muscle Mass with Glutathione - The Master Antioxidant
Glutathione is often referred to as The Master Antioxidant. This is because it can be found in nearly every single cell in the body at the same concentration as some of the most important nutrients for energy and cellular function

How to Time Protein Intake for Optimal Strength Gains
There's not really a bad time for protein intake. However, there are better times than others. In the morning, pre-workout, during a workout, and post-workout are all excellent times to get yourself some high-quality protein.