Fall into fitness: 5 Benefits of exercising in Autumn

Close-up of a runner's feet with colorful running shoes on an autumn leaf-covered trail

After months of what should have been pool parties, long and fun filled beach days and procrastinating on your exercise routine, (thanks Covid) Summer is drawing to a close and what better time to shift your priorities and focus towards building a strong and sustainable fitness routine. Here are 5 benefits of exercising in Autumn!


Close-up of a blue vintage alarm clock on a blurred background

I can tell you first hand as a personal trainer and fitness enthusiast that the key to forming any sort of long lasting exercise habit is a solid routine. Summer, with its sporadic social events and Sangria over squats mentality, make it very difficult to stick to or to start any form of sustainable exercise routine. Fall on the other hand, tends to be more structured than summer making it the perfect time to start an exercise plan. 

Empty gyms

Row of treadmills in a modern gym with blue lighting and textured floor

Whether you love or hate the gym, there's little more satisfying than arriving to yours when it’s entirely empty.  If you are contemplating holding off until January 1st to join the gym and to take up a fitness routine, forget it!  By Joining now, you will allow yourself time and space to begin incorporating exercise into your daily routine in a stress-free environment. By the time January roles around, you will be much more inclined to stick it out.

Christmas preparation

A festive holiday dinner spread featuring roasted meats, vegetables, and an assortment of side dishes

Christmas is a special time of year. For many (99.99% of the population) it's a time of overindulgence and poor dietary choices. By getting a few months of exercise and healthy eating under your belt during autumn, you will be physically and psychologically better prepared to deal with the oodles of temptations come turkey and eggnog season. 

Weather perfectly suited to outdoor exercise

Bright autumn leaves under the sunlight with a clear blue sky in the background

Weather is often a decisive factor when it comes to flaking out of exercise. "It's too hot in summer" and "it's too cold in winter". I hear it time and time again! Fall on the other hand offers weather perfectly suited to exercising in the great outdoors. No more excuses! 

New season, new goal

Young woman lifting weights in a gym, smiling as she works out

Spring and summer goals differ greatly from fall and winter goals. Spring and summer tend to be a case of preparation for swimsuit season and then maintenance. In other words: little progress, strict dieting, and little fun. Autumn and Winter however offer something different. The sweaters come out and more emphasis can be placed on more fun, important and rewarding fitness goals like improved strength, stamina gains and performance improvements.

For personal training in Barcelona and online, contact Ebylife today.


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