Vegan Bulk-Up Diet Plan For Skinny Guys


Welcome to the ultimate Vegan Bulk-Up diet plan for skinny guys.

What’s included in the diet plan:

✔ A fully comprehensive and easy-to-follow 7-day food plan (To be repeated until you reach your ideal weight and/or results).

✔ A carefully calculated calorie surplus, macronutrient split and precise measurements to maximize weight gain and encourage muscle growth for Skinny guys.

✔ 2 Delicious post-workout smoothie recipes to help fuel your gains.

✔ A weekly grocery list and instructions.

✔ A sample workout from our 5-day split bulk-up workout plan for skinny guys.

✔ Combines perfectly with all of our Skinny Guy bulk-up workout plans.

This diet plan is perfect for Ectomorphs and ‘hardgainers’ looking to build muscle and gain weight.

The file is in PDF format and is compatible with all phones, computers, and tablets.

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Welcome to the ultimate Vegan Bulk-Up diet plan for skinny guys.

What’s included in the diet plan:

✔ A fully comprehensive and easy-to-follow 7-day food plan (To be repeated until you reach your ideal weight and/or results).

✔ A carefully calculated calorie surplus, macronutrient split and precise measurements to maximize weight gain and encourage muscle growth for Skinny guys.

✔ 2 Delicious post-workout smoothie recipes to help fuel your gains.

✔ A weekly grocery list and instructions.

✔ A sample workout from our 5-day split bulk-up workout plan for skinny guys.

✔ Combines perfectly with all of our Skinny Guy bulk-up workout plans.

This diet plan is perfect for Ectomorphs and ‘hardgainers’ looking to build muscle and gain weight.

The file is in PDF format and is compatible with all phones, computers, and tablets.

Welcome to the ultimate Vegan Bulk-Up diet plan for skinny guys.

What’s included in the diet plan:

✔ A fully comprehensive and easy-to-follow 7-day food plan (To be repeated until you reach your ideal weight and/or results).

✔ A carefully calculated calorie surplus, macronutrient split and precise measurements to maximize weight gain and encourage muscle growth for Skinny guys.

✔ 2 Delicious post-workout smoothie recipes to help fuel your gains.

✔ A weekly grocery list and instructions.

✔ A sample workout from our 5-day split bulk-up workout plan for skinny guys.

✔ Combines perfectly with all of our Skinny Guy bulk-up workout plans.

This diet plan is perfect for Ectomorphs and ‘hardgainers’ looking to build muscle and gain weight.

The file is in PDF format and is compatible with all phones, computers, and tablets.

The Vegan bulk-up diet plan for skinny men has been carefully created by our team of experts. We know just how difficult it can be for thin men to gain weight and build muscle and that’s why we’ve gone to great lengths to create such a comprehensive and easy-to-follow vegan bulk-up diet plan for skinny guys.


How Many Calories Will You Be Eating Per Day?

On non-workout days you will consume between 3000-4000 calories. On workout days, you will consume as much as 5000 calories. If during the diet, you feel that it’s either too much or too little, you can alter your intake to suit your needs and goals.

Will You Have To Spend A Lot Of Time Cooking And Preparing The Food?

No. We’ve made every attempt to keep the meals as simple and easy to prepare as possible. If however, you fancy getting creative in the kitchen, we encourage you to do so.

Do You Have To Workout For The Diet To Work?

As the diet has a large daily calorie surplus, we recommend that you follow one of our bulk-up workout plans in conjunction with the diet. This way the majority of the weight gained should come in the form of lean muscle mass, not fat.

How Much Weight Can You Expect To Gain On The Diet?

When combined with a well-structured strength training program such as our Bulk-up Workout Plan For Skinny Guys (5-day split), you can expect to gain anywhere from 2 - 8 lbs per month.

How Long Before You See Visible Results?

Results can vary greatly from person to person. Some guys experience results almost instantly while others won’t see results until weeks 3-4. Try not to get disheartened if you’re the latter. As a Hardgainer, sometimes it takes a little more time for the body to adapt to new eating and training habits. If you stay consistent and follow the diet in conjunction with a solid strength training program such as our Bulk-up Workout Plan For Skinny Guys (5-day split), rest assured you will experience great results.

How Long Does The Diet Plan Last?

The bulk-up diet plan includes a carefully calculated 7-day meal plan to be repeated until you reach your ideal weight and/or results. Once achieved, you can very slowly adapt your calories and consumption to match your needs. Our goal and that of the diet is to educate you on not only how to eat to gain weight and build muscle but also how to maintain it.

If You Don't Like One Of The Ingredients, Can You Substitute It For Something Else?

Yes. Just make sure the food substitutions you make are of similar nutritional value. It’s important for long-term success to enjoy the foods you eat so we encourage you to modify the diet where needed.

Are The Ingredients Expensive?

Each product will have different prices and quality options depending on your location and budget. As you’ll be consuming between 3000 and 5000 calories per day, you might have to spend a little more than usual. It’s worth every penny!

Will You Feel Stuffed?

You may feel that you’re overeating at first. This is a natural part of the process. As your body adapts to the large amount of food you’re consuming, it should begin to normalize. If you find it too much initially, slightly reduce the portion sizes and increase gradually as your body becomes accustomed to eating larger quantities of food.

How Do You Keep Track Of Progress?

As this is a weight gain diet, one of the simplest ways to keep track of your progress is on the scales and/or using body fat calipers. By combining both, you’ll make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

It’s also a great idea to take selfies. If you do, please share them with us. We’d love to see your progress and results!

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