Skinny Guy Series: The Best Time of Day to Train for Muscle Growth

The best time of day to train for muscle growth


Ectomorphs, also known as Hardgainers and Skinny guys are long, wiry, and svelte, generally finding it difficult to gain muscle mass. People that belong to this body type are usually very thin, lean, and have a high metabolism. If they have an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle, ectomorphs can actually experience some weight gain, which unfortunately will most likely manifest as belly fat, leaving their arms and legs on the thinner side. This is a term and physique that is often referred to as Skinny fat.

In my previous article, The Hardgainer’s Guide To Building Muscle: Diet and Exercise, I speak of the difficulty Ectomorphs have with muscle growth. Hence the term "hardgainer." That blog goes into depth about recommended strength training exercises and nutritional suggestions for getting the right amount of protein, calories, and nutrients. I also talk about dietary and lifestyle changes that will help increase your testosterone level, the muscle-building hormone.

One thing that I failed to mention in that blog was the best time of day to work out.

The Best Time to Workout

For most people, the best time of day to work out for weight loss is generally in the morning. Research shows that in the morning, our glycogen stores are slightly depleted from not having eaten for several hours. We experience fat loss because our bodies burn more fat for fuel. This is especially true if we do exercise on an empty stomach.

However, low glycogen means that our muscles' energy levels are lower, so an early morning workout is not ideal for resistance training. You're not trying to lose body fat, you're trying to build muscle. Another important factor is that our bodies are usually a bit stiff in the morning due to the accumulation of synovial fluid. So high-intensity physical activity, like weight training, may not be the best idea, from an injury prevention point of view. Also, during fat oxidation, your body will produce lactic acid to supplement your reduced energy levels which could affect your exercise performance.

Early evening workouts are better for many reasons:

  • Peak strength, which helps with building muscle

  • Pain tolerance, so you can push yourself harder

  • Flexibility, which gives you a better range of motion for lifting and less chance of injury

An article in Sports Performance Bulletin, Chronobiology – how timing could give you a performance edge! discusses studies conducted on athletes and circadian rhythms. Your "internal time clock" affects whether you are a morning person or a night owl. It also affects growth hormone secretion, body temperature, mental alertness, and physical performance capacity. The author says that the research shows that most people experience maximum mental alertness, the fastest reaction times, and the highest core temperature in the late afternoon/early evening period. The article also states that:

  • Peak core temperatures occur just before 6:00 pm.

  • Maximum peak power tends to occur just before 5:30 pm.

  • Maximum mean power occurs at 6:00 pm.

The changes in power output and core temperature were strongly linked which indicates a circadian rhythm effect.

Not All Bodybuilders Are Night Owls!

However, the importance of working out consistently, in the long run, overshadows all of this. The above tells you that your peak strength and pain tolerance are highest in the late afternoon/early evening. This means that lifting weights at this time of the day will optimize your exercise performance and build muscle more effectively.

However, your work and life balance may be such that you are often tired from your long day at 6:00 pm and you may have family/social commitments. If this leads you to skip your workouts frequently or throw down a few push-ups and call it a day, in reality, your evening training program fizzles. In this case, you would be much better off training consistently every morning. Because, truth be told, according to the above-mentioned article, the physiological advantages of a late afternoon/early evening workout are relatively small.

In other words, a consistent training time is much more important than the actual time of day. If you are a morning person and want to do your strength training in the mornings, then by all means do it! Your workout is much less likely to be derailed by unforeseen demands from the boss or family/friends if you get up and get to it. Consulting a personal trainer is always a good idea and something I highly recommend if you're new to exercise or have been training inconsistently over the years. He/she will help you tailor your strength training regimen specific to your body type, fitness level, lifestyle and goals.

For a safe and effective morning workout routine:

  • Get proper sleep.

  • Don't hit the snooze button.

  • Have a good breakfast: For Ectomorphs, with their high metabolisms, this is especially true. Yogurt with fruit, nuts, and oats/granola mixed in is a good choice. Anything that covers all of the nutritional bases; protein, fast-digesting carbs, slow-digesting carbs, and healthy fats.

  • Don't skip the warm-up! Otherwise, your strength gains could be offset by an injury. A few minutes of low-intensity cardiovascular exercise or functional movement will get your heart rate up and your blood transporting glucose to your muscles.

  • Start with some movements that work everything from the feet to the head so you activate all the muscle groups. This will also “wake up” your joints and get your synovial fluid moving to lubricate them. Lunges, squats, twists, pushups and rows are all great exercises to use.

  • Finally, perform a warm-up set (or two) with your first couple of exercises before moving on to heavier weights.

Testosterone Highest In The Morning

If you're a male, research shows that your testosterone levels are highest in the morning.  A study reported by the Endocrine Society, The Effect of Diurnal Variation on Clinical Measurement of Serum Testosterone and Other Sex Hormone Levels in Men found that testosterone levels are 20 to 25% lower at 4:00 pm than they are at 08:00 am. As you know, increased testosterone levels directly correlate with increased muscle protein synthesis. Additionally, the get-to-it hormone, cortisol, is highest in the morning.

Also, if you’re hitting the gym too late in the evening, it could end up working against your muscle growth. Late evening workouts can affect your circadian rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep at night. Since muscle growth occurs while you're resting, this could work against your goal of achieving hypertrophy.

Related: The 5 Best All-natural Supplements to Boost Testosterone in Men 2022

The Bottom Line

Consistency is by far the most important thing for anyone following a strength training regimen. But for ectomorphs, this is especially true. A little variability aside, the same time of day is the best time to work out. Lifting weights three to four times a week consistently will build muscle regardless of the time of day. If you’re unsure about which is best suited for you, try both and then decide.

The Ultimate 3-day Bulk-up Workout Plan


Welcome to the ultimate 3-day Full-body bulk-up workout plan for skinny guys.

What’s included in the plan:

✔ A fully comprehensive 3-day workout plan (To be repeated for 8-12 weeks or until you reach your ideal weight and/or results).

✔ 3 Full-body workouts designed for maximum muscle growth (hypertrophy). You will be hitting all of the major muscle groups every workout with a selection of compound and isolation exercises.

✔ A daily sample from our Bulk-up meal plan for skinny guys.

✔ A delicious post-workout smoothie recipe to support your gains.

✔ This workout plan combines perfectly with all of our Bulk-up diet plans (Omnivore, vegetarian, and vegan) for skinny guys.

While this plan is suited for all fitness levels, it’s ideal for men with 12 months or less of strength training experience.

The file is in PDF format and is compatible with all phones, computers, and tablets.


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