How to train at home: Quarantine fitness

Home workout ebylife

Photo by Max Vakhtbovych from Pexels

It's a strange time we're living in. As the Coronavirus sweeps around the world, more and more of us are forced to stay at home and self-isolate.

As tempted as you may be to use this as an excuse to give up on your training routine, now more than ever, it's so important to stay active. Not only for the benefit to your physical but also your mental health.

Here are 8 tips to help keep you active at home:

1. Create a workout plan

Just because you're at home doesn't mean you can't create and follow a workout plan. It doesn't have to be overly complex. By simply having a plan to follow, you stand a far greater chance of staying active whilst in quarantine.

A quick guide to building a workout plan:

1. Set a goal(s).

This can be whatever you like: maintenance, flexibility, strength, to do 50 burpees a day, to do 10 push-ups in a row. Once you set your goal(s) you can begin to build your workout plan.

2. Choose the frequency and length of your workouts.

Example: 5x weekly workouts. 45 minutes per workout.

3. Choose the exercises, format (circuit training, HIIT, etc), exercise order, repetitions/time, sets/rounds and rest times.

Example: Squats, lunges, push up, sit-ups, plank. 10 reps, 5 rounds, 60 seconds rest between rounds

Related article: How to build a successful workout plan

2. Set up a dedicated workout space

Just like switching off after work can be difficult, going from sofa to workout can be a real challenge. Especially if they’re in the same space.

For a little exercise incentive, set up a small space somewhere in your house, garden or terrace that's dedicated specifically to your workout routine. Try to make it as warm and welcoming as possible so that you feel more encouraged to go there to get a sweat on.

3. Try something new

If ever you were going to try something new, now would be the time. The amount of free time that most of us now have is one of the biggest benefits to all of this. Especially if you dedicated it to self-improvement. Thanks to the magic of technology, we can pretty much stream and gain access to every fitness activity and trend into the comfort of our living rooms. Take your pick!

4. Dress that part

If you're struggling to find the motivation on a specific day to get your workout done, put on your exercise gear and don't allow yourself to take it off until it's done. The clothing we wear can have an impact on how we feel and subconsciously affect our behaviour. It's what's experts call “enclothed cognition” which refers to a sort of mental shift we experience when we wear certain clothes. It certainly works for me!

5. Keep it regular

Perhaps I should have mentioned this above in “Creating a workout plan” but it's really important to keep exercise regular.

Instead of aiming for 2-3 big workouts a week, keep it simple, little and often. The longer we spend sedentary, the stiffer our muscles become and the harder it is to motivate ourselves to get moving.

6. Reward yourself

Asides from all the physical and mental benefits you get from regular exercise, it's important to reward yourself for sticking to your workout plan and reaching your fitness goals. It sounds silly and obviously doesn't work for everyone but simply knowing that you have a small reward pending your training can help you stick with it.

7. Team up with an online buddy

Just like working out with a personal trainer or as part of a group can offer great motivation, training with a friend, especially now can be a fantastic motivator and a great way to get some social time.

Note: Don't just choose anyone. Your workout buddy should be of similar fitness level, share comparable goals and be self-motivated.

8. Consult a professional or someone you trust

Failing all of the above or if you simply feel that you need some guidance and support from a professional, get in touch with an online trainer or somebody you trust. Having professional support or a training plan to follow can really help you stay on track and hold you accountable to stay active.


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