Is Strength Training Good for Weight Loss?
Boost fat loss with strength training. Learn how building muscle increases metabolism, burns calories long after workouts, and improves body composition.

Why Fat Loss Matters Far More Than Weight Loss
Discover why focusing on fat loss rather than weight loss leads to better health, improved body composition, and sustainable results. Learn effective strategies for achieving and maintaining fat loss with Ebylife.

The 5 Best Stimulant-Free Fat Burners for Men and Women in 2023
Fat burners work by boosting energy, curbing appetite, facilitating fat to be used as energy and boosting your metabolism. But which ones are the best and why is stimulant-free important. Here are our Top 5 Stim-free fat burners for Men and Women in 2022.

The Controversial Keto Diet: Love It or Leave It?
The keto diet has been all the rage for a few years now. Depending on who you talk to, it's either the most remarkable health breakthrough of all time or just another trendy fad.

Reverse dieting: What is it? Who is it for? How to do it correctly!
So you've done the hard work of weight loss. All the calorie counting, all the cravings, all the cardio, all the treats and desserts you've passed on, have all contributed to a significant amount of fat loss for you. Congratulations! But now what? Is this a short-term success where you have less energy while you wait to yo-yo back towards weight gain, possibly obesity?

What are the Benefits of Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D is vital for a strong skeleton, but research suggests the benefits of this nutritional powerhouse may also extend to improving symptoms of depression and aiding weight loss. Adequate vitamin D intake can help you conquer your health and wellness goals.

How to Stay Lean as you age
Confused and frustrated that despite your best efforts to exercise and eat right, keeping trim is not as easy as in once was? Thankfully with a few tweaks to your diet and exercise plan, keeping lean as you age is not as ambitious as it seems.

The Keto diet – Your essential guide
The Keto diet is all the rage at the moment but what the hell is it? How does it work? Is it any good? and is it right for me? Here’s everything you need to know about the Ketogenic diet.

5 Training methods to take your fitness to the next level
Bored with your repetitive workouts and traditional straight sets, reps, exercises and rest times? Add some spice to your exercise routine and take your fitness level and gains to new heights with the following 5 training methods.

8 Signs you may be obsessed with your weight
Do you find that your mood, lifestyle and even relationships suffer as a result of your obsession to reduce that seemly all-important number on the scales? If so, it’s possible that you’re have an unhealthy obsession with your weight.

4 Reasons you can't stick to your low carb diet
Are you struggling to stick to your new low-carb diet? Here are 4 common reasons why so many of us find it such a challenge to keep to a low carbohydrate diet.

Carb Cycling diets – unworthy hype or a true dieting phenomenon?
Carb cycling diets are based around rotating between high carb, moderate carb and low/no carb days. The idea is that eating healthy carbs on specific days keeps your metabolism revved up, and sticking to mostly protein, vegetables and fat on low/no carb days will keep insulin levels low enough to allow you to burn fat whilst maintaining muscle mass.

How to Lose 50lbs in one year
As daunting as it seems, losing 50lbs over the course of one year is not nearly as unattainable as it seems. With the right attitude, proper planning and preparation, it’s well within your reach!

Fasted cardio: What is it? Is it best for fat-burning? and is it right for you?
With the likes of J.Lo and A-rod as it’s greatest ambassadors, Fasted cardio is all the rage! but what exactly is it? Does it burn more fat than cardio in a fed state? and is it right for you!? Let's have a look and see.

How to Optimise Intermittent Fasting for Fat Burning
Fat Loss is one of the many benefits of intermittent fasting (IF), but it isn't some fad diet with sketchy science. Actually, it isn't a diet at all! Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that breaks the three-meal-a-day status quo and frees our bodies from the burden of non-stop digestion so that they can focus on other tasks, one of which is to burn more fat in between meals.

Cardio Vs Strength Training: Before, After, or Separate Days?
Is there a formula for getting the most benefit from your cardio and strength workouts? That really depends on your fitness goals. Are you bodybuilding? Does your goal lean more towards fat loss? Is it a combination of wanting to build muscle while staying lean? The bottom line is to create a training program that meets your overall fitness objectives while minimizing your risk of injury

The Perfect Post-Workout Nutrition for Recovery
Your post-workout meal is one of the most important factors of muscle growth and recovery, but it's easy to get it wrong. So what (and when) should you eat following a workout? Let's dig in!

Intuitive Eating: The Pros and Cons
Have you heard about intuitive eating? While intuition is a timeless concept applicable to all areas of life, two dietitians coined the term "intuitive eating" in the 1990s. They developed a framework to provide a new approach to eating that would help people find freedom from restrictive diet culture.

How to Lose 50 Pounds In Six Months
Losing weight at the best times can be tough but losing 50lbs (22.5kg) in six months! Really?! While it may sound hopeless, with the right attitude, a meal and exercise plan, commitment and a whole lot of effort, you can lose 50lbs in six months, and here’s how!

The Best Times to Take Fat Burners
Fat burners, also known as thermogenics, are exactly what they sound like. These dietary supplements are popular among bodybuilders and are used to maximize fat burning during and after exercise and to improve overall body composition. Here's how they work their magic!