5 Reasons why you should never skip leg day!
So, you're thinking about skipping leg day, eh? Well, you better think again! Legs have the biggest muscle groups in the body, so it's not wise to neglect your lower body workouts.
Got Stubborn Muscle Soreness? Try Vitamin C!
If you're saving vitamin C exclusively for the dinner table or before travel, you're missing out on its many benefits, including decreasing post-exercise soreness.
What You Need to Know about Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Studies indicate that testosterone levels in men have decreased by a worrying 22% in the last 20 years. Metaphorically, manhood is undergoing a steady decline.
Muscle building vs toning: What's the difference?
While muscle gain is a pretty straightforward concept, toning and the differences between the two seem to cause a lot of confusion. Let's break it down shall we!?
Testo Lab Pro Independent Review
We review Testo Lab Pro, the potent all-natural Testosterone-boosting and performance-enhancing supplement by Opti-Nutra. Here's everything you need to know!
The Skinny guy's bulk up guide: diet and exercise
Bulking up for most guys can be difficult. For ectomorphs, it can feel damn near impossible. Fortunately, there is some good news. With careful planning, consistency, and our simple step by step guide to eating and training for weight gain, it’s well within your reach.