Protein For Fitness goals: How Much Do You Need?
Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose weight, burn fat or improve your recovery times, protein consumption is fundamentally important when it comes to smashing your fitness goals.

10 Best Plant-Based Protein Sources To Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Can a plant-based diet supply enough protein to help you build muscle? Well, vegan bodybuilders have clearly shown that it’s possible to build an incredible physique without consuming animal products.

The 7 Best Protein Powders For Building Muscle in 2023
Protein is the building block for muscle growth, repair and maintenance, and without adequate protein to fuel your muscles, they don't stand a chance. Here are 7 of the best Protein powders for building muscle for every dietary requirement.

Should Women Take a Protein Supplement?
Most women know that protein is a crucial part of a healthy diet and is essential for building muscle and maintaining a healthy weight. But when you hear the term "protein supplement," you may have a preconceived notion that supplements are only for bulky guys trying to build the biggest muscles possible.

What are the Benefits of Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D is vital for a strong skeleton, but research suggests the benefits of this nutritional powerhouse may also extend to improving symptoms of depression and aiding weight loss. Adequate vitamin D intake can help you conquer your health and wellness goals.

Collagen vs. Whey: Which Is Better for Building Muscle?
Whey protein has long been the staple protein for most protein shakes, bars, and powders. Nowadays, however, there are many different types of protein available, and collagen supplements are staking their claim on the shelves of health foods stores and in the gym bags of many athletes and even bodybuilders. We take a look which is best all-around muscle builder.

Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat
If you're an endomorph, like Tom Hardy or Jennifer Lopez, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that, in general, you're as likely to gain body fat as you are muscle mass. The good news is that Dr. Sheldon believed that endomorphs have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality: relaxed, comfortable, and extroverted.

How to Time Protein Intake for Optimal Strength Gains
There's not really a bad time for protein intake. However, there are better times than others. In the morning, pre-workout, during a workout, and post-workout are all excellent times to get yourself some high-quality protein.

Lean Bulking: How to Bulk Up Without Gaining Fat
Going down the route of a lean bulk is much more sustainable in the long run than your more traditional bulk up and cut cycles. It ensures that you get everything you want and need without packing in calories for calories' sake and turning yourself into a literal human garbage disposal.

Muscle Growth: 12 Essential tips to build more muscle
As men, it's only natural to want to look bigger and stronger, but with so much inaccurate information out there, knowing what to believe, what to do, and where to start can feel overwhelming. Here are 12 Essential tips to building more muscle mass!