Why Fat Loss Matters Far More Than Weight Loss
Discover why focusing on fat loss rather than weight loss leads to better health, improved body composition, and sustainable results. Learn effective strategies for achieving and maintaining fat loss with Ebylife.

What are the Benefits of Vitamin D3?
Vitamin D is vital for a strong skeleton, but research suggests the benefits of this nutritional powerhouse may also extend to improving symptoms of depression and aiding weight loss. Adequate vitamin D intake can help you conquer your health and wellness goals.

Diet hacks - how to structure and prioritise your diet
If the input is larger than the output, then more gets retained than depleted, and vice versa. Even though our bodies are not as simple as a basic math problem, because nutrition has several variables, we can use this principle to define human metabolism.
Each of the nutritional variables has its own place in this process. Some of them are more important than others and you need to adjust them accordingly if you wish to get the best possible results.

What You Need to Know about Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Studies indicate that testosterone levels in men have decreased by a worrying 22% in the last 20 years. Metaphorically, manhood is undergoing a steady decline.

How to stay fit and healthy as a Nomad
Keeping fit and healthy whilst living a nomadic lifestyle can be a daunting task, but with so many healthy options now readily available, it needn’t be. Here are our top 10 tips to help keep you fit and healthy as a Nomad.

How to boost your immune system against the Coronavirus
Your best defence against the dreaded Coronavirus is a strong and healthy immune system. Here are some great tips to give yours a fighting chance!

10 Top tips for staying fit and healthy over Christmas
With Christmas fast approaching, boundless year-end social events, hangovers, mince pies and mulled wine are soon to become an almost daily occurrence. With so many temptations on your plate, there is without a doubt an overwhelming inclination to throw all your healthy eating habits and fitness routine out the window until the new year. Thankfully, with our top tips, you don't have to! You can still have fun whilst maintaining your health and fitness intact over the festive season.

10 Ways to live longer: the secret to longevity
The first person to live to 150 years old has supposedly already been born and that the first person to live to 1,000 will be born in the next two decades. Here are 10 things you can do right now to improve your chances of living a long and healthy life.

Easy workout and nutrition tips for any hectic lifestyle
Thankfully getting fit and healthy doesn't necessarily require hours spent in the gym or vegan style dieting mentality. It's not a case of all or nothing, but making smart choices.

Why a slow and steady approach to your health and fitness goals always wins
You can’t be blamed for wanting to lose 21lbs in 21 days or to sculpt a 6 pack in 7 minutes or less. After all, It sells and it’s important to dream. However, anything that seems to good to be true, normally is. Here's why the slow and steady approach to your health and fitness goals will always win!

The almighty Argentine asado
For Argentinians, Asados are more than a meal, they're a ceremony. Men huddled around the fire sipping on fine wine, giving their 10 cents on how it should be done. The women making the side dishes. More often than not it's a 2 gusto salad, 3 if you're lucky. If you're honored enough to be invited into the home of an Argentine. Take this advice: you are a guest, take wine, eat whatever is given to you, empty your plate, enjoy the experience and say thank you!

Healthy new year's resolutions you can stick to
Not all new year’s resolutions need to be wildly optimistic lifestyle changes. With these small but easy to stick to new year’s resolutions, you can have a fitter and healthier 2019.