9 Reasons Why Strength Athletes Need Omega-3s
When you think of "sports nutrition" what comes to mind? Is it Macronutrient split (the division of carbs, protein, and fats)? Or is it the vast variety of Protein supplements, fat burners, and pre and post-workout concoctions? These sports performance-driven supplements quite often cast a shadow over the importance of micronutrients. In reality, these vitamins and minerals are needed for the body to function properly at its most basic level.

How to Time Protein Intake for Optimal Strength Gains
There's not really a bad time for protein intake. However, there are better times than others. In the morning, pre-workout, during a workout, and post-workout are all excellent times to get yourself some high-quality protein.

How Omega-3s Can Benefit Your Workout Performance
Omega-3 fatty acids benefit your health in many ways. While you might initially associate Omega-3s with brain and heart health, research also suggests they can boost your workout performance and aid in recovery.

The Best Times to Take Fat Burners
Fat burners, also known as thermogenics, are exactly what they sound like. These dietary supplements are popular among bodybuilders and are used to maximize fat burning during and after exercise and to improve overall body composition. Here's how they work their magic!