Reverse dieting: What is it? Who is it for? How to do it correctly!
So you've done the hard work of weight loss. All the calorie counting, all the cravings, all the cardio, all the treats and desserts you've passed on, have all contributed to a significant amount of fat loss for you. Congratulations! But now what? Is this a short-term success where you have less energy while you wait to yo-yo back towards weight gain, possibly obesity?

Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat
If you're an endomorph, like Tom Hardy or Jennifer Lopez, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that, in general, you're as likely to gain body fat as you are muscle mass. The good news is that Dr. Sheldon believed that endomorphs have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality: relaxed, comfortable, and extroverted.