HIIT vs Long Distance Cardio for Fat Loss
HIIT vs Long distance cardio. What are the benefits? Which burns more calories from fat? and which one is right for you after a busy day at the office? Here’s everything you need to help you decide.

Cardio Vs Strength Training: Before, After, or Separate Days?
Is there a formula for getting the most benefit from your cardio and strength workouts? That really depends on your fitness goals. Are you bodybuilding? Does your goal lean more towards fat loss? Is it a combination of wanting to build muscle while staying lean? The bottom line is to create a training program that meets your overall fitness objectives while minimizing your risk of injury

Take a Hike, Lose Some Weight: Strategies to Burn Fat While Hiking
Weight loss doesn't have to be the main goal for your hike but it's certainly a pretty big benefit and with all that beautiful nature around you, you'd be surprised to learn the number of calories you're burning!

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Skinny Guys Make When Bulking Up
When it comes to bulking up, many skinny guys get frustrated because they're doing all they can to build muscle but not seeing the results they feel they deserve. Can you relate?