The Controversial Keto Diet: Love It or Leave It?
The keto diet has been all the rage for a few years now. Depending on who you talk to, it's either the most remarkable health breakthrough of all time or just another trendy fad.

10 High-Calorie Foods To Help Skinny Guys Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Skinny guys face a unique struggle while trying to put on muscle and gain weight. While everyone else seems to be fixated on finding low-calorie, low-carb, and low-fat options, skinny guys need high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods to meet their goals of bulking up.

Reverse dieting: What is it? Who is it for? How to do it correctly!
So you've done the hard work of weight loss. All the calorie counting, all the cravings, all the cardio, all the treats and desserts you've passed on, have all contributed to a significant amount of fat loss for you. Congratulations! But now what? Is this a short-term success where you have less energy while you wait to yo-yo back towards weight gain, possibly obesity?

The Ripped Vegan: Can You Build Muscle on a Vegan Diet?
Vegans bodybuilders exist. So the question isn’t really, can you build muscle on a vegan diet? We know you can. But how and what are the best ways to get everything you need from a vegan diet to maximize muscle growth. We take a look!

Carb loading before a big race? Here’s how to do it!
Carbohydrate-loading, also called carb-loading and carbo-loading is a fairly simple and easy-to-follow nutritional strategy to enhance your athletic and sporting performance during endurance events (90 + minutes) by increasing the amount of glycogen (the body’s preferred fuel source) stored in your muscles and liver.

How to Optimise Intermittent Fasting for Fat Burning
Fat Loss is one of the many benefits of intermittent fasting (IF), but it isn't some fad diet with sketchy science. Actually, it isn't a diet at all! Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that breaks the three-meal-a-day status quo and frees our bodies from the burden of non-stop digestion so that they can focus on other tasks, one of which is to burn more fat in between meals.

Pre-sleep nutrition: Boost muscle recovery before bed
Sleep and recovery go hand in hand. Nothing is more restorative than a good night's rest. Athletes are no strangers to the "optimize everything" mentality that's often needed in the gym for optimal athletic performance and constant PR-shattering. Now, you may be able to optimize your sleep schedule and nighttime routine to improve your training sessions the next day without sacrificing sleep. Meet pre-sleep nutrition, your key to boosting overnight recovery and muscle growth.

Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat
If you're an endomorph, like Tom Hardy or Jennifer Lopez, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that, in general, you're as likely to gain body fat as you are muscle mass. The good news is that Dr. Sheldon believed that endomorphs have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality: relaxed, comfortable, and extroverted.

The Perfect Post-Workout Nutrition for Recovery
Your post-workout meal is one of the most important factors of muscle growth and recovery, but it's easy to get it wrong. So what (and when) should you eat following a workout? Let's dig in!

The Mesomorph Series: The Ultimate Lean Bulk Plan
The three most common body types, or "somatotypes," are mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. Understanding the three body types with their different body compositions, body shapes, bone structures, and metabolic rates helps nutritionists and personal trainers design effective, personalized workout routines and meal plans.

The Skinny Guy Bulk up guide: Count Macros not Calories!
Welcome fellow Ectomorphs. If you're seeking refuge from the constant barrage of weight loss and dieting programs trying to convince you that happiness, skinniness, and health are one and the same, then you've come to the right place.

The notorious Carbohydrates - How much is too much?
Carbohydrates are energy! They are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruit, grains, vegetables and milk products. They are one of three macronutrients (Carbs, Protein, and fat) and are essential for proper body function. So why the bad name!? Let’s find out.