What to Eat and Supplement While Marathon Training
Gearing up to run a marathon? If you’re wondering how to time your nutrition and optimize it for every stage of your training and on race day, you've come to the right place!

10 High-Calorie Foods To Help Skinny Guys Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Skinny guys face a unique struggle while trying to put on muscle and gain weight. While everyone else seems to be fixated on finding low-calorie, low-carb, and low-fat options, skinny guys need high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods to meet their goals of bulking up.

Can you Drink Alcohol Without Gaining Weight?
Alcohol is an integral part of our society and I am frequently asked about it. "Is one glass of wine/beer once a day/week/month ok?" Naturally, that really depends on your lifestyle and your fitness goals. Are you a social drinker trying to lose a little weight? Are you training for the Iron Man Triathlon? Or are you somewhere in between?

Lean Bulking for the Endomorph: More Muscle, Less Fat
If you're an endomorph, like Tom Hardy or Jennifer Lopez, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that, in general, you're as likely to gain body fat as you are muscle mass. The good news is that Dr. Sheldon believed that endomorphs have a tendency toward a “viscerotonic” personality: relaxed, comfortable, and extroverted.

How to Time Protein Intake for Optimal Strength Gains
There's not really a bad time for protein intake. However, there are better times than others. In the morning, pre-workout, during a workout, and post-workout are all excellent times to get yourself some high-quality protein.

5 reasons your diet is doomed
There is nothing worse than committing to a diet, making the sacrifice and seeing zero return on your investment.
A successful diet is a sometimes complicated case of working out your own mathematical equation. Your current weight and desired amount of weight loss should be considered before embarking on any diet.