Muscle-Building Diet plan for Skinny Men: A Comprehensive Guide to Gain Lean Muscle Mass
Building muscle can be an arduous journey for most men but for ectomorphs, it often presents a daunting task with its own unique set of challenges. Ectomorphs typically have a naturally fast metabolism, a slender frame, and a predisposition to low body fat levels.

10 High-Calorie Foods To Help Skinny Guys Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Skinny guys face a unique struggle while trying to put on muscle and gain weight. While everyone else seems to be fixated on finding low-calorie, low-carb, and low-fat options, skinny guys need high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods to meet their goals of bulking up.

Reverse dieting: What is it? Who is it for? How to do it correctly!
So you've done the hard work of weight loss. All the calorie counting, all the cravings, all the cardio, all the treats and desserts you've passed on, have all contributed to a significant amount of fat loss for you. Congratulations! But now what? Is this a short-term success where you have less energy while you wait to yo-yo back towards weight gain, possibly obesity?

How to Stay Lean as you age
Confused and frustrated that despite your best efforts to exercise and eat right, keeping trim is not as easy as in once was? Thankfully with a few tweaks to your diet and exercise plan, keeping lean as you age is not as ambitious as it seems.

How to Optimise Intermittent Fasting for Fat Burning
Fat Loss is one of the many benefits of intermittent fasting (IF), but it isn't some fad diet with sketchy science. Actually, it isn't a diet at all! Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that breaks the three-meal-a-day status quo and frees our bodies from the burden of non-stop digestion so that they can focus on other tasks, one of which is to burn more fat in between meals.

How to Time Protein Intake for Optimal Strength Gains
There's not really a bad time for protein intake. However, there are better times than others. In the morning, pre-workout, during a workout, and post-workout are all excellent times to get yourself some high-quality protein.

Intuitive Eating: The Pros and Cons
Have you heard about intuitive eating? While intuition is a timeless concept applicable to all areas of life, two dietitians coined the term "intuitive eating" in the 1990s. They developed a framework to provide a new approach to eating that would help people find freedom from restrictive diet culture.

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Skinny Guys Make When Bulking Up
When it comes to bulking up, many skinny guys get frustrated because they're doing all they can to build muscle but not seeing the results they feel they deserve. Can you relate?

Clean Bulking vs Dirty Bulking: Which is best for muscle growth?
Bulking refers to a gradual increase in the number of calories you take in combined with intense weight training. Any calorie intake beyond what your body needs to maintain your current bodyweight is a calorie surplus that your body can then use to build muscle. But which is better, clean or dirty bulking? We have the answers!

The Skinny Guy Bulk up guide: Count Macros not Calories!
Welcome fellow Ectomorphs. If you're seeking refuge from the constant barrage of weight loss and dieting programs trying to convince you that happiness, skinniness, and health are one and the same, then you've come to the right place.