10 Best Plant-Based Protein Sources To Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Can a plant-based diet supply enough protein to help you build muscle? Well, vegan bodybuilders have clearly shown that it’s possible to build an incredible physique without consuming animal products.

Fitness Trends 2022 - Mini Workouts
Will mini-workouts be one of the biggest fitness trends in 2022? For years, some fitness experts have told us that three 10-minute workouts have the same health benefits as one 30-minute workout. That's good news considering we're all busy and constantly juggling multiple to-do's.

10 High-Calorie Foods To Help Skinny Guys Bulk Up and Build Muscle
Skinny guys face a unique struggle while trying to put on muscle and gain weight. While everyone else seems to be fixated on finding low-calorie, low-carb, and low-fat options, skinny guys need high-calorie, nutrient-dense foods to meet their goals of bulking up.

Compound vs. Isolation Exercises: Which Are Best for Muscle Growth?
When it comes to muscle growth, there can be some confusion about which exercises are best. Should you focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups, or should you dedicate your time to isolation exercises to sculpt and build specific muscles?

The Ripped Vegan: Can You Build Muscle on a Vegan Diet?
Vegans bodybuilders exist. So the question isn’t really, can you build muscle on a vegan diet? We know you can. But how and what are the best ways to get everything you need from a vegan diet to maximize muscle growth. We take a look!

How much muscle can you gain in a month?
Whether returning to a training program or just beginning, the first month brings up the age-old question: Can I look like Daniel Craig as James Bond or Alicia Vikander as Tomb Raider in 4 weeks or less? The answer is no, you probably can’t! However, you can add muscle mass and start your journey to the body composition you desire.

The Benefits of Bone Broth for Muscle Growth, Joints & More
Bone broth, although a fairly simple and straightforward dish, is teetering on the line between superfood and supplement. Instead of smoothies or bowls of oatmeal, many people swear by drinking bone broth first thing in the morning.

Progressive overload training principle: Why it's so important for results!
The principle of progressive overload is probably familiar to you, but just not by that name. If you hang about the gym long enough, you will undoubtedly come across this term. And if you are serious about building muscle, this bodybuilding term and training concept is one that you must become friends with.

Clean Bulking vs Dirty Bulking: Which is best for muscle growth?
Bulking refers to a gradual increase in the number of calories you take in combined with intense weight training. Any calorie intake beyond what your body needs to maintain your current bodyweight is a calorie surplus that your body can then use to build muscle. But which is better, clean or dirty bulking? We have the answers!

The Skinny guy's bulk up guide: diet and exercise
Bulking up for most guys can be difficult. For ectomorphs, it can feel damn near impossible. Fortunately, there is some good news. With careful planning, consistency, and our simple step by step guide to eating and training for weight gain, it’s well within your reach.