Glutathione: For Hangovers, Hamstrings, and More

By: Martin Ebner - Head Personal trainer and sports nutrition specialist at Ebylife

Glutathione For Hangovers Hamstrings and More ebylife

Glutathione is widely considered the body's master antioxidant. Just like other critical nutrients like glucose, potassium, and cholesterol, glutathione can be found in nearly every single cell in the human body in considerable concentrations. As an antioxidant, the role of glutathione is pretty lofty; it has to be a superhero, constantly defending against the wrath of free radicals and saving our cells from oxidative stress and damage. It is essential for the health of the immune system, reduces inflammation, detoxes, and prevents inflammation-related illnesses and diseases such as heart disease and Parkinson's disease. No biggie!

While glutathione has many anti-aging abilities, steady glutathione is not a guarantee. As we age, our glutathione production begins to slow, and cell damage amasses. Poor nutrition, illness, and stress can also contribute to glutathione deficiency, and these low levels of glutathione can be destructive to our health.

Read on to learn more about this powerful antioxidant and how we can get more of it!

The Many Health Benefits of Glutathione

As mentioned above, glutathione is a master antioxidant and detoxifier. On top of being an antioxidant itself, it can also help the body to recycle antioxidants like vitamin E and vitamin C. It is a tripeptide made up of three amino acids: glutamine (also in the form of L-glutamate or glutamic acid), cysteine, and glycine. Together, these form GSH, the most active form of glutathione. Glutathione is most notable for supporting immune function and liver detoxification. Glutathione can bind to heavy metals and other toxins to make them more water-soluble and thus easier to remove via stool and urine.

The other benefits of glutathione include:

  • Improve Psoriasis: In a roundabout way, studies have shown that glutathione may be able to improve psoriasis! Whey protein is known to increase glutathione levels. In this study, participants consumed whey protein powder daily to boost glutathione levels and noticed an improvement in skin clarity and reduction in inflammation compared to the placebo.

  • Protect Against Fatty Liver Disease: Fatty liver disease is the result of cell death in the liver. This can be induced through diet and/or alcohol consumption. Both oral and intravenous glutathione supplementation was found to support healthy liver function and improve protein, enzyme, and bilirubin levels when paired with diet and exercise. This may also help to prevent nagging hangovers. It's worth a shot!

  • Improve Insulin Resistance: Small studies have found a correlation between low glutathione synthesis and insulin resistance, thus glutathione supplements may be able to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes or improve insulin sensitivity.

  • Reduce Risk of Parkinson's Disease: According to pilot studies, maintaining glutathione levels via intravenous glutathione supplementation may help with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. However, the same has not been concluded via oral glutathione supplements.

  • Reduce oxidative stress for children with autism: Clinical trials measured the effects of glutathione supplementation in autism spectrum disorders and found that children with autism often have more oxidative damage and lower levels of glutathione in their brains. Supplementation helped to boost levels of cysteine, plasma sulfate, and whole-blood glutathione levels.

  • Support overall wellness: Since glutathione and antioxidants have so many benefits and because free radicals are unrelenting, no matter what state of health you're in, chances are you could benefit from a glutathione supplement. Whether you're looking for cardiovascular support or to manage inflammation and support graceful skin aging, glutathione can help!

Glutathione also supports the healthy functioning of cell mitochondria by eliminating free radicals which can cause oxidative damage. Glutathione is a building block of the immune system and can help to rid our bodies of toxins and other invaders which can inhibit cellular function and lead to many burdensome medical conditions later in life. Luckily, in times where we have lower levels of glutathione, dietary supplements can come to the rescue.

How to Get More Glutathione

  • Foods that include glutathione: Whenever possible, your diet should be your first source of any vitamin or mineral. Foods that contain sulfur glutathione include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, avocados, squash, spinach, and melons. Many of these other foods also contain vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals to support your health from all sides.

  • N-acetylcysteine (NAC): Another supplement that may increase the body's natural glutathione synthesis is NAC. NAC is also an antioxidant that is derived from the amino acid L-cysteine, so taking it alongside a glutathione supplement may boost its effects.

  • Milk thistle: Milk thistle is another natural supplement that has been shown to boost glutathione levels. It is commonly extracted and concentrated into capsules and used to support liver function.

  • Flaxseed & Omega-3s: A 2019 study showed that both omega-3 fish oil and flaxseed oil can raise blood levels of glutathione. Luckily, Vegan omega-3 supplements are now available and accessible to any diet. 

  • Guso seaweed: Interestingly, Guso seaweed has been found to increase glutathione levels by 78% and has proved to be especially promising for people with breast cancer. This seaweed can be consumed raw or dehydrated and encapsulated into oral supplements.

  • Whey: The results of some studies indicate that whey protein can increase glutathione synthesis and protect against cell death and damage. Though whey is no longer my protein of choice when it comes to building muscle mass, if you have some on hand, it may help to stimulate glutathione production.

  • Oral glutathione supplements: Last but not least, the best and most surefire way to get more glutathione in your diet is to use a glutathione supplement. I recommend Amandean's Premium Liposomal Glutathione above all others. The trick to finding a great glutathione supplement is ensuring that your body can absorb it properly. Amandean's glutathione utilizes liposomal encapsulation technology (LET) to maximize absorbency for cellular repair. It has results comparable to IV vitamin treatments but is made in a convenient liquid format that is easy to mix into mocktails, smoothies, and acai bowls. Or even on its own first thing in the morning!


Potential Side Effects of Glutathione

In general, glutathione is considered safe to take daily. On rare occasions, glutathione has been associated with sweating, bloating, upset stomach, and/or diarrhea. Taking glutathione long-term has been linked to lower zinc levels. If you experience ANY of these adverse effects, consult your healthcare professional. 

In any case, whether you're looking to feel "forever young" or are looking to do some detoxing and cellular repair, you should consult a doctor who is versed in integrative medicine. They will be able to find the root cause of whatever ailment you're looking to nix, and create a comprehensive plan to manage it. 

As for me, I was first introduced to liposomal glutathione by my wife who is big on its detoxifying benefits. Believe it or not, we actually do taste tests with our friends when we’re away on overindulgent weekends and Amandean's liposomal glutathione supplement always seems to come up trumps. I actually really enjoy my daily tipple of LG! Whether or not it actually enhances our body’s ability to recover more quickly from overindulgence is hard to tell but I'm all for trying anything that may help. My wife and friends certainly seem to stand by its hangover easing/reducing efficacy.

I also live in one of Europe's most polluted cities, Barcelona. Something that became abundantly clear as I navigate my way through its congested city streets on my bike. As somebody that exercises a LOT and is exposed to high levels of pollutants during specific times of the year, I do get a sense of comfort and feel better protected when I take a shot regularly with breakfast.

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