How to Maintain Your Workout Routine When Travelling: Barcelona Edition

Panoramic view of Barcelona cityscape, showcasing the beach and urban skyline under a clear blue sky

Maintaining a workout routine while travelling is important not only for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. As a trainer and lifestyle coach who travels frequently, I understand the unique challenges that come with trying to keep fit whilst on the road. Limited access to equipment, unfamiliar environments, temptations and a disrupted routine can all make it difficult to stay active. However, with the right strategies and good planning, it’s possible to maintain your fitness regimen while enjoying your travels. This guide will provide practical tips and recommendations for keeping fit while exploring the vibrant city of Barcelona. Whether you’re a casual fitness enthusiast or a dedicated athlete, you’ll find useful advice to help you stay active during your visit.

Outdoor Workout Spots in Barcelona

Barcelona is blessed with beautiful weather and numerous outdoor spaces perfect for exercise. From parks to beaches, the city offers a variety of locations where you can work out while soaking up the sun and scenery. Here are some of our favourites:

Man performing a handstand on a railing by the beach in Barcelona, with buildings and the sea in the background
  • Park Güell

    This iconic park, designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudí, is not only a cultural treasure but also a fantastic place to hit your step count. The park’s hilly terrain provides excellent opportunities for cardiovascular exercises such as running and hill walking. The stunning views of the city and the unique architectural elements make exercising here a truly enjoyable experience.

  • Ciutadella Park

    Known for its expansive lawns and somewhat “eclectic” crowd, Ciutadella Park is a popular spot for yogis and group workouts. The park has numerous paths for walking, running and cycling and also features steps and benches for plyometrics and callisthenics exercises, as well as shaded areas where you can set up for a relaxing yoga session. It’s centrally located and easily accessible by most forms of transport.

  • Barceloneta Beach

    Barceloneta Beach is perfect for morning runs and beach workouts. The long stretch of sand is ideal for jogging, and the sound of the waves provides a calming backdrop for your exercise routine. Beach workouts, such as sand sprints and resistance training using the natural elements can add variety to your fitness regimen. The beach also features 2 great outdoor street callisthenics areas, allowing you to perform all of your favourite strength training and bodyweight exercises.

  • Bogatell Beach

    Another great spot for outdoor workouts, Bogatell Beach is quieter and less touristic than Barceloneta. Here, you can engage in a variety of exercises, from pull-ups and dips to leg raises and push-ups. While their outdoor callisthenics facilities are less impressive than those in Barceloneta, the beach’s less crowded atmosphere makes it an excellent choice for those looking to exercise in a more peaceful setting.

For more details on these and other great outdoor fitness locations in Barcelona, check out our guide on the best workout spots in Barcelona.

If you're also interested in exploring outdoor workout spots in nearby areas, here's a guide to the top outdoor workout spots in Sant Cugat.

Local Gyms and Fitness Centres

For those who prefer indoor workouts, Barcelona has a growing number of gyms and fitness centres that offer short-term passes and day memberships, catering to travellers.

Woman running on a treadmill in a modern gym with large windows overlooking the city
  • Holmes Place

    Holmes Place is a well-known fitness chain in Europe and has several locations throughout Barcelona. They offer day passes and short-term memberships, making it convenient for travellers. Their gyms are fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including a variety of cardio and strength training equipment, swimming pools, and wellness areas. Their English-speaking personal trainers ensure a comfortable experience for international visitors and expats.

  • Metropolitan

    Metropolitan gyms are upmarket, modern and well-equipped, offering a range of fitness options, including group classes, functional fitness and personal training sessions. Their gyms feature extensive cardio and strength training areas, as well as spa and wellness facilities. If you’re looking for something extra exclusive, head to their Iradier location. 

  • DiR Clubs

    With multiple locations across the city, DiR Clubs are easily accessible and offer a variety of fitness options, including group classes, personal training, and wellness services. They provide day passes and short-term memberships, and their multilingual staff can assist international visitors. The diverse range of equipment, classes and multiple DiR locations around the city ensures you can find a workout that suits your needs and preferences.

For a comprehensive guide to the best gyms in the city, visit our blog on the best gyms in Barcelona.

Not sure which gym is right for you? Read our complete guide on choosing the right gym in Barcelona.

Fitness-Friendly Accommodations

Choosing the right accommodation can significantly enhance your ability to maintain your workout routine while traveling, especially if you don’t have much time to travel to the gym. Barcelona offers a range of hotels that cater to fitness enthusiasts, providing on-site gyms and other fitness amenities. Here are some of our top picks. 

Woman doing an intense workout in a gym, focusing on her core exercises with a city view through large windows
  • Hotel Arts Barcelona

    This luxury hotel offers top-notch gym facilities, including a fully equipped fitness centre with cardio machines, free weights, and resistance training equipment. The hotel also has a spa and wellness centre, where you can relax and rejuvenate after a workout. We often train clients staying at Hotel Arts, and the quality of their fitness facilities always make for some great workouts. 

  • W Barcelona

    Located on the beachfront, W Barcelona is a very popular hotel for fitness enthusiasts. The hotel’s state-of-the-art fitness facilities include a well-equipped gym, a yoga studio, and an outdoor pool. Guests can also take advantage of the hotel’s beachfront location for running and beach workouts. There’s also a great outdoor calistehnics facility right on the beachfront where we often train our clients staying at the hotel.

  • Barcelona Princess Hotel

    Barcelona Princess Hotel boasts a gym with panoramic views of the city, as well as fitness classes for their guests. Their focus on fitness and wellness makes it a great option for maintaining your workout routine while travelling. 

Integrating Fitness into Your Travel Itinerary

Staying active while exploring Barcelona doesn’t have to be difficult. Even if you aren’t doing your regular workouts. By incorporating fitness into your travel itinerary, you can enjoy the city’s attractions while staying active. Here are some options to keep you moving:

  • Walking Tours

    Barcelona is a city best explored on foot. Walking tours are an excellent way to stay active while sightseeing. With a diverse range of neighbourhoods, you’ll easily hit your step count whilst taking in the rich history and stunning architecture. 

  • Biking

    Barcelona’s extensive network of bike lanes and bike-sharing programmes make it easy to explore the city on two wheels. Renting a bike is easy and a great way to combine fitness with sightseeing. Popular biking routes include the beachfront promenade and the scenic ride up to Montjuïc. 

  • Active Sightseeing

    Montjuïc is a fantastic destination for active sightseeing. The hill offers numerous walking trails and historical sites, including Montjuïc Castle and the Olympic Stadium. The prior of which boasts impressive panoramic city views that are well worth the walk.

Utilising Ebylife Services in Barcelona

Personal trainer coaching a woman with a medicine ball in a gym setting

Ebylife offers a range of personal training services designed to help you stay fit while in Barcelona. Whether you’re here short term on holiday or for an extended period on business, we cater to your specific needs with a focus on personalized attention and flexibility.

We provide tailored personal training sessions to fit your individual needs and schedule. Our sessions can be taken at various locations, including parks, beaches, or your hotel, ensuring convenience and comfort. Our sessions are crafted to be both effective and enjoyable, maximizing the benefits of your workout time. Our personalised approach means that each session is customised to your fitness level, goals, and any specific requirements you may have. This bespoke service ensures you receive the optimal training experience, helping you maintain and even improve your fitness during your stay in Barcelona.

For those seeking a more structured program, we offer comprehensive training plans that include detailed workout routines, nutrition guidance, and continuous support. These programs are designed to keep you on track and motivated, providing the structure and accountability needed to achieve your fitness objectives. Whether you’re aiming for weight loss, muscle gain, or general fitness improvement, our programs are tailored to deliver results.

Our commitment to providing you with the highest quality personal training experience, leveraging our extensive knowledge and expertise to support your fitness journey in Barcelona.

Practical Tips for Staying Motivated

Staying motivated while traveling can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can keep your fitness goals on track. Here are some practical tips to help you stay motivated during your trip:

  • Set Realistic Goals

    Define clear, achievable fitness goals for your trip. Setting realistic goals helps you stay focused and motivated. Whether it’s maintaining your current fitness level, trying out new workouts, or simply staying active, having a goal in mind can keep you on track.

  • Keep a Workout Log

    Tracking your workouts can help you stay accountable whilst travelling. A workout log allows you to record your exercises, sets, and reps, as well as any notes on how you felt during the workout. Reviewing your log can provide a sense of accomplishment and give you a boost when you’re motivation is wavering.

  • Hydration and Nutrition

    Staying hydrated and eating balanced meals is essential for maintaining your energy levels and overall health. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and make an effort to drink water regularly. When it comes to your meals, by all means indulge in the local delicacies but also make sure to cover the bases. That means including a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet. 

  • Flexibility

    Adapt your workouts based on your travel schedule and available resources. Flexibility is key to maintaining consistency. If you can’t fit in a full workout, aim for shorter sessions or incorporate physical activity into your day in other ways, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift or walking instead of taking a taxi.

  • Stay Positive and Patient

    It’s important to stay positive and patient with yourself. Travelling can be unpredictable, and there may be days when you can’t stick to your routine as planned. Focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t, and remember that any activity is better than none. Celebrate your efforts and progress, no matter how small.


Maintaining your workout routine while travelling can be challenging but Barcelona is a city set up to make fitness accessible for all. By utilizing the city’s idyllic outdoor spaces, local gyms, fitness-friendly accommodation, and integrating fitness into your travel itinerary, you can not only stay active and healthy in Barcelona, you can thrive in the environment.   

If you aren’t sure where to start or need some help, Ebylife’s personal training and fitness services are here to support you every step (or squat) of the way, ensuring you achieve your fitness goals while enjoying your time in Barcelona. Remember, the key to staying fit while travelling is flexibility, planning, and setting realistic expectations.

For help with your workout routine or to schedule a personal training session in Barcelona with an English-speaking trainer, get in touch today. 


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